Omikron Fact-Finder

FACT-Finder is a solution for search and navigation in online shops. The search system knows the product data and preferences of customers and leads to the desired product. It shows visitors the appropriate result, even if the input differs from the webshop's product list due to typing errors, rearranged words or other spellings.

FACT-Finder increases the conversion rate and the turnover of an online shop. That is why we have included FACT-Finder in our portfolio.

To Fact-Finder

Omnichannel customer portal at FÖRCH

How FÖRCH as a wholesaler shapes everyday customer life with digital services / 06/13/2023 / 3:15 pm / World Class Business Leaders

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Your advantages with FACT-Finder

FACT-Finder does more than conventional search methods, which, for example, are based only on maintenance-intensive word lists.

Error tolerance

FACT-Finder "understands" typos, compounds, singular/plural, etc. without manual maintenance.

After Search Navigation

The ASN guides customers multidirectionally to the desired product after the search has been made.


FACT-Finder recognises synonyms such as laptop and notebook and thus delivers even better search results.


Individual search campaigns show customised result pages for specific search terms.

Modern B2C search functions for B2B shops

Thanks to efficient and resource-saving automation, even smaller eCommerce teams can achieve impressive results in multiple channels. With FACT-Finder, you can increase your online sales by up to a third and add search functions to your B2B eCommerce platform that match those of modern B2C shops.

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Success Story Cover Seefelder Kundenportal

Success Story: Unified Commerce im B2B – Die erfolgreiche Umsetzung der SEEFELDER Plattform.

Das rasante Unternehmenswachstum in den letzten Jahren machte eine eCommerce-Strategie zum entscheidenden Pfeiler für zukünftigen Geschäftserfolg von SEEFELDER. Um auch zukünftig den hohen Kundenerwartungen aber auch eigenen Ambitionen gerecht zu werden, war der nächste logische Schritt die Konzeption und Implementierung einer zukunftssicheren und skalierbaren Omnichannel-Plattform.  Erfahren Sie mehr über das Projekt und die fortlaufende Zusammenarbeit in unserer Success Story!


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Development of eCommerce solutions

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