Spryker as an agile high performer

With Spryker you rely on highest agility and top speed. Here, constantly growing complexity meets flexibility thanks to individual, independent modules that can be adapted to your requirements. Thanks to Spryker, your individual and digital business models can always be adapted to the complex needs of your customers. Modular. Uncomplicated.

Take a step into the future with Spryker

Select the system components you need for your business and expand them step by step. Whether B2C, B2B or marketplace strategies. With over 900 prefabricated modules, you can design your customised platform for B2B or B2C.

Cross-channel digitalisation

The free and extensible Spryker architecture allows you to quickly adapt models and processes. Respond flexibly to changing customer needs and new touchpoints or market changes and gain clear competitive advantages through fast reactions. Thanks to the API-first approach, Spryker is able to connect modules across channels and thus drive digitalisation in a targeted manner.

Hybrid Architecture

Spryker is based on microservices that can be combined or expanded in a targeted manner. This allows for complete customisation as well as the development and integration of existing functionalities.

Low development effort

The PHP-based system has high development standards, which enable the fastest possible development with high code purity. In addition, thanks to the MVP standard, a quick entry into eCommerce is possible without much lead time.

Consistent performance

Even when services are expanded or traffic peaks, Spryker remains highly performant. You have full control over the scalability and performance of your system.

We are Spryker Solution Partner

  • We are Spryker Solution Partner
  • Smart Commerce developed Spryker based platforms for major customers like Seefelder, Helukabel and Fibro
  • 2022 Smart Commerce exclusively presents the rooom integration for the Spryker platform at the Spryker Excite in Berlin

To Spryker

Success Story Cover Seefelder Kundenportal

Success Story: Unified Commerce im B2B – Die erfolgreiche Umsetzung der SEEFELDER Plattform.

Das rasante Unternehmenswachstum in den letzten Jahren machte eine eCommerce-Strategie zum entscheidenden Pfeiler für zukünftigen Geschäftserfolg von SEEFELDER. Um auch zukünftig den hohen Kundenerwartungen aber auch eigenen Ambitionen gerecht zu werden, war der nächste logische Schritt die Konzeption und Implementierung einer zukunftssicheren und skalierbaren Omnichannel-Plattform.  Erfahren Sie mehr über das Projekt und die fortlaufende Zusammenarbeit in unserer Success Story!


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Our projects at a glance

Get an overview of our projects in the areas of digital strategy and eCommerce consulting, development of eCommerce solutions and managed cloud services as well as digital marketing.

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Our services at a glance

Digital strategy and eCommerce consulting

Discover our unique consulting approach for your eCommerce success.

Development of eCommerce solutions

We develop & implement customised eCommerce systems for you with leading technology partners.

Managed Cloud Services

Modern public cloud solutions with maximum automation for the operation of efficient eCommerce systems.

Solutions for branches

The right set-up for every industry. Trust in our expertise and start your eCommerce success with us.

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