Creating eCommerce growth

eCommerce promises growth and an increase in turnover, but often the implementation of a successful eCommerce strategy already fails at the implementation stage due to a lack of internal know-how or resource deficits. Furthermore, obstacles lie in outdated structures and complex system landscapes, so that the adherence to timelines and the promised results fail to materialise. As an eCommerce manager, the challenge is to combine increased turnover with scarce resources and to deploy core competencies in the right places on the basis of situation analyses. Implementing the necessary eCommerce strategy requires sustainable, data-centric business solutions. We support you in the development, implementation and optimisation of these processes with our many years of eCommerce experience.


Share of B2B eCommerce in the turnover of all German economic sectors last year (excluding retail)


All customers expect the same services and functionalities in B2B online shops as they do in B2C.


of online retailers have a mobile commerce strategy in place or planned in the near future

Trust our expertise

We have been implementing successful eCommerce projects with our clients for over 10 years. From concept to live launch and operation, we help you with the individual conception of your eCommerce business. Whether requirements analysis & system selection, implementation, system integration, analyses or optimisation: we create your eCommerce success.

Increase in turnover

Thanks to our many years of experience as a full-service eCommerce provider, we can implement new strategies as well as optimise current eCommerce strategies. We identify weaknesses that prevent you from growing, determine ways to save time and resources and generate long-term online growth with specific evaluation procedures and reporting.

Process optimisation and further development

We analyse and develop the most important areas of shop management with you on the basis of market trends, innovations and customer needs. In this way, we guarantee the scalable further development of the services of your online business based on KPIs such as conversion increases, traffic increases and sales figures.

360 degree view of the customer journey

Together we open up new online sales channels, develop marketing opportunities and create a 360-degree customer experience with maximum data quality for your company and optimal information content for your customers.

Digitise your company holistically

Creating a digital customer experience starts within your own company. If you want insights into relevant target groups, the data infrastructure of the entire company must be right. That's why we support you with rollouts of solutions in all business areas and in all markets. We not only optimise your eCommerce activities, but also analyse and optimise the necessary technical processes.

Whitepaper Cover Fast SeCI

Whitepaper: Fast SeCI for Intershop Commerce Management

Innerhalb eines Quartals zu einem vollumfänglichen Online Shop dank Fast Smart eCommerce Implementation for Intershop Commerce Management: Fast SeCI for ICM zielt darauf ab, die Unsicherheit bei Entscheidern, die vor der Einführung eines neuen eCommerce-Systems oft herrscht, zu reduzieren und bietet Ihnen ein vordefiniertes Produkt- und Projektpaket an. Das von Smart Commerce entwickelte Starter-Paket ermöglicht es Kunden, innerhalb eines Quartals mit einem vollumfänglichen Online-Shop live zu gehen.


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References that speak for themselves

Trust, partnership, joint success – and that over years. We focus on long-term cooperation with a holistic approach. Strategy, technical implementation, ongoing support and long-term empowerment lead our clients on the path of continuous digital growth.

To our projects

eCommerce Success Story KION Group Cover

Successstory: Großkonzern im eCommerce Dschungel - Digitalisierung traditioneller Brands & Sparten am Beispiel KION Group

eCommerce in einem Großkonzern bedeutet Automatisierung entlang der Customer Journey. Dennoch schafft KION Group, der weltweit zweitgrößte Gabelstaplerhersteller, die Verbindung zwischen zukunftsfähigem eCommerce & persönlichem Kundenerlebnis. In der Successstory erfahren Sie, wie ein Konzern den Spagat zwischen Großkundenvertrieb und vielen kleinen neuen Kunden mit einer Multibrand- und Multimandantenplattform schafft. Außerdem beantworten wir, wie der Einsatz hybrider Verkaufsmodelle für komplexe Produkte in einem Großkonzern funktioniert und warum die Verbindung von CRM und eCommerce dafür essenziell ist.

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Technology Solutions

The Smart Commerce mission is to enable long-term eCommerce success for our customers. We achieve this thanks to a team of excellent eCommerce experts and strong technology partners with suitable solutions for your requirements.

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Our services at a glance

Digital strategy and eCommerce consulting

Discover our unique consulting approach for your eCommerce success.

Development of eCommerce solutions

We develop & implement customised eCommerce systems for you with leading technology partners.

Managed Cloud Services

Modern public cloud solutions with maximum automation for the operation of efficient eCommerce systems.

We are happy to assist you!

Asking questions costs nothing! Can we assist you with a problem? Or are you interested in collaboration? Or do you have any remaining questions? Please don't hesitate to reach out to us! We are here to help!

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+49 711 18 42 01 00


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