Setting up IT architecture for eCommerce success

A well-designed IT architecture is critical to your eCommerce success. It helps to reduce system complexity, facilitate technology integration and increase the scalability of your platform.  
Our IT architects are not only technically excellent, but also bring their business experience and industry expertise (over 60% senior consultants) to the table. Whether you are looking to implement a new eCommerce platform or optimise your existing architecture, we can provide you with comprehensive advice and help you choose the best solutions for your business. 

System Architecture/IT Architecture:

We create system architectures as part of
our Architecture Development package.

This includes the decomposition of the entire eCommerce system (eCommerce server, search server, if applicable web analytics, recommendation, rating, SEO tools, PIM, CMS, etc.), the interface overview and the overarching data flow graph that represents the data that system components exchange and is tabulated in the data catalogue.

At the beginning of architecture development, architecture drivers are identified and evaluation criteria are defined by analysing the overall system and other available information. Functional and non-functional requirements influence the design of the system architecture, which is documented in architecture views as UML diagrams. The system architecture is reviewed on the basis of the specified evaluation criteria. The system architecture determines the foundations of the software architecture in the following "BUILD" phase.

Architecture and code review

"We analyse the architecture of your designed eCommerce system to identify potential problem areas early on and provide clear recommendations for improving the architecture according to the resulting "technical debt". 
In case of an already existing eCommerce system, we additionally analyse the code to provide clear statements about the code quality, code performance aspects and possible problem areas of the code, as well as statements about the scalability and readiness of the system to go live.

On the basis of customer-specific supplies (specifications, documentation, test data, log files and source code, if applicable), we proceed in the following steps:

  1. analysis of system architecture and design 
  2. analysis of the technical architecture 
  3. review of the interface processes and technologies used 
  4.  analysis of existing code in random samples, if necessary 
  5.  examination of scaling and performance aspects and, if necessary, readiness for commissioning 
  6.  recommendations for improving the architecture and, if necessary, the code according to the resulting "technical debt"."

Let's get started!

Whitepaper Cover Monolithen vs. Microservices

Whitepaper: Monolithen vs. Microservices


Im eCommerce dominieren monolithische Middleware-Lösungen den Markt. Doch bei monolithischen Anwendungen nimmt der Entwicklungsumfang mit der Zeit zu. Um dies zu vermeiden, wandelt eine zunehmende Zahl von Unternehmen ihre monolithische Middleware in individuelle Microservices um. Unser Whitepaper zum Thema bietet einen Leitfaden zu Architekturvorteilen, Migrationsstrategien, Tools und Technologien. 


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Further services

Development of eCommerce solutions

We develop & implement customised eCommerce systems for you with leading technology partners.

Managed Cloud Services

Moderne Public Cloud Lösungen mit maximaler Automatisierung zum Betrieb effizienter E-Commerce Systeme.

Our principle

One thing always remains the same with us: good planning, solid technology, secure operation, and continuous optimization. All for your success in eCommerce.

Customers who trust us

We focus on empowerment and value long-term partnerships in eCommerce.

We are happy to assist you!

Asking questions costs nothing! Can we assist you with a problem? Or are you interested in collaboration? Or do you have any remaining questions? Please don't hesitate to reach out to us! We are here to help!

Phone Number:
+49 3641 3 16 10 20


Contact our experts directly:

Thomas Ernst, Head of Backend

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