Lusill Gebauer, Customer Service
+49 3641 3 16 10 20
The digital self-service idea as a path to customer excellence
The internal and external digital structures of B2B companies have had to constantly evolve in recent years under the pressure of market and customer demands. The demands on digital services and performance have risen sharply. One way to meet these demands is the use of customer portals. Customer portals or Customer Experience Platforms (CX-Platforms) are digital contact points with a self-service concept.
Customer service includes FAQs as well as information such as order status, invoices, promotions, news and digital contact points to advisors. The customer portal acts as a digital interface between the customer and the salesperson at all points of the customer journey. The most important functions from webshop, sales, service and marketing flow together here. Companies that use customer portals create impressive advantages for themselves in customer communication and process optimisation.
B2B companies cannot ignore customer portals if they want to gain a clear advantage over competitors. However, such portals offer measurable improvements not only for the companies, but above all for their customers.
Der offensichtlichste Aspekt ist das Online Kundenportal als erste Anlaufstelle für Support-Anfragen. Reduzieren Sie Ihre Support-Aufwände gemeinsam mit uns durch die gezielte Kundenführung und Automatisierung der häufigsten Problemlösungen.
Individuelle Wünsche von Kunden mussten bisher von sachkundigen Kollegen beantwortet werden. Und der Kunde erwartet schnelle Rückmeldung. Ein Großteil dieser Anfragen kann durch Konfiguratoren und Kundeninterfaces automatisiert bearbteitet werden. KI kann Anfragen in gut formulierten Texten beantworten.
Machen Sie Ihrem Kunden das Leben leichter und profitieren Sie davon. Verwaltet der Kunde seinen Fuhrpark, seine IoT Devices, sein Lager oder seine Füllstände über Ihr Kundenportal, kennen Sie als erstes den richtigen Zeitpunkt für das richtige Angebot.
The positive implications of a B2B customer portal are obvious. To ensure that the implementation is a complete success, we support you with strategic and technological expertise.
Which functions bring the greatest added value for the target group and the company? How can existing processes and systems be integrated? We support you in planning your project and work with you to develop the project scope, a project roadmap and find the right system.
We implement and integrate your B2B customer portal into your existing system landscape, ensure consistent data flow to ERP, CRM and other third-party systems, and create an excellent customer experience with a clear and consistent UI and UX.
Exploit the potential of your customer portal further and focus on innovation! We support you in the data-based further and new development of features and processes in your customer portal.
Dann lassen Sie uns ins Gespräch kommen! Wir haben Lösungen für die meisten Ihrer Bedenken und wahrscheinlich auch das ein oder andere Bedenken zu Ihrem Lösungsentwurf. Erschaffen wir gemeinsam ein Portal, welches Ihre Kunden lieben werden.
We would be glad to provide advice and support on your journey to long-term eCommerce success. Our eCommerce experts are eager to hear about your project!
Phone Number:+49 341 99 15 36 00
+49 341 99 15 36 00hello(at)
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