Our strategy consulting for your eCommerce success

eCommerce is more than just a project – eCommerce is a digital sales channel designed for the long term with the needs of your customers at the centre.  
 Together, we develop your future eCommerce platform for sustainable success in eCommerce and advise you on everything from strategy and implementation to scaling and internationalisation as well as optimisation opportunities after go live.  

The needs of your target groups
at the centre of our consulting

Together, we work out customer insights in order to identify the exact needs of your customers and to reflect these in your eCommerce platform in a targeted manner.l In the daily task management of your customers, great added value can be realised for all sides through time and cost savings within the framework of digitalisation.

The consideration and close involvement of your internal stakeholders reveals further potential, which is why we look in the direction of the organisation and the internal processes and systems. Starting with marketing and sales, through product data management and order processing to customer care.

We are happy to point out growth opportunities for your eCommerce platform and help optimise online sales. This starts with adding missing functionalities, scaling opportunities and improving your digital marketing performance.

Unser eCommerce Consulting Vorgehen im Überblick

Your strategy for a successful customer portal

The positive implications of a B2B customer portal are obvious.
To ensure that the implementation is a complete success, we support you with strategic and technological expertise.

1. planning

Which functions bring the greatest added value for the target group and the company? How can existing processes and systems be integrated? We support you in planning your project and work with you to develop the project scope, a project roadmap and find the right system.

2. implementation

We implement and integrate your B2B customer portal into your existing system landscape, ensure consistent data flow to ERP, CRM and other third-party systems, and create an excellent customer experience with a clear and consistent UI and UX.

3. optimization

Exploit the potential of your customer portal further and focus on innovation! We support you in the data-based further and new development of features and processes in your customer portal.

Our solutions at a glance

Get an overview of our technologies, industry-specific solutions, solutions for business sectors and focus topics.

To our eCommerce solutions

Individual eCommerce strategy

We advise you on the planning and optimisation of your strategic realignment and review your current concepts for their suitability for your long-term eCommerce success.

eCommerce strategy development

The right eCommerce approach for your company clearly helps you to pursue your corporate strategy, builds on measures in your digital strategy where appropriate and realises added value for your organisation and target groups.

[Translate to Englisch:] eCommerce Strategie Review

eCommerce Strategy Review

You have already been advised on your digital or eCommerce strategy, but are facing the challenge of implementing it, or have doubts about which of the options presented is the right one for you?

Whitepaper Cover Monolithen vs. Microservices

Whitepaper: Monolithen vs. Microservices


Im eCommerce dominieren monolithische Middleware-Lösungen den Markt. Doch bei monolithischen Anwendungen nimmt der Entwicklungsumfang mit der Zeit zu. Um dies zu vermeiden, wandelt eine zunehmende Zahl von Unternehmen ihre monolithische Middleware in individuelle Microservices um. Unser Whitepaper zum Thema bietet einen Leitfaden zu Architekturvorteilen, Migrationsstrategien, Tools und Technologien. 


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Omnichannel customer portal at FÖRCH

How FÖRCH as a wholesaler shapes everyday customer life with digital services / 06/13/2023 / 3:15 pm / World Class Business Leaders

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Further services

Development of eCommerce solutions

We develop & implement customised eCommerce systems for you with leading technology partners.

Managed Cloud Services

Moderne Public Cloud Lösungen mit maximaler Automatisierung zum Betrieb effizienter E-Commerce Systeme.

Our principle

One thing always remains the same with us: good planning, solid technology, secure operation, and continuous optimization. All for your success in eCommerce.

Customers who trust us

We focus on empowerment and value long-term partnerships in eCommerce.

We are happy to assist you!

One of our eCommerce experts will be happy to assist you with your topic. Feel free to call us directly, send us an email, or use our contact form. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Phone Number:
+49 341 99 15 36 00


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