Excellence through performance: focusing on the customer experience  

Intershop is the leading independent provider of comprehensive omni-channel commerce solutions. Since 1992, Intershop has been developing powerful commerce platforms for any business model and providing all related services. As a result, more than 300 large and medium-sized companies and organisations worldwide rely on intershop. Thanks to the stable yet flexible eCommerce functions, you can offer your customers a unique customer experience with the Intershop Commerce Cloud. With Intershop, you are able to deliver personalised customer portals, advanced ordering features and targeted campaigns to your customers.

Flexibility and excellence in one software

From regional pure players in the retail sector to international industrial companies with extensive B2B business structures: Intershop's enterprise solutions enable you to flexibly map organisations and business models.

Intershop Commerce Suite as a solution for omni-channel commerce

Manage any business model (B2C, B2B, B2X), all sales channels and any customer touchpoints in one central location. With PIM, WCM, OMS and many other modules, Intershop Commerce Suite is more than just an eCommerce system – it's a marketplace, communications hub and marketing machine all in one.

Adaptability and scalability

Process more than 50,000 orders per day from tomorrow? Manage more than a million products in the future? Sell in more than 25 shops simultaneously – in more than 75 countries with more than 50 languages? Intershop systems can already do all that today.

Intershop as a cloud solution

The cloud for fast rollouts, transaction-based rental models and managed services for flexible resource planning.

We are intershop Platinum Partner

  • We are an intershop Platinum Partner
  • In 2020, Smart Commerce was named "Intershop Business Partner of the Year".
  • Smart Commerce and Intershop have a long history of success together; both companies have been partners since 2013 
  • Smart Commerce board members have over 25 years of experience in implementing Intershop projects.

To Intershop

Whitepaper Cover Replattforming von SAP Commerce zu intershop

Whitepaper: Replattforming von SAP Commerce zu Intershop - Die Schritt für Schritt Anleitung eines Migrationsprojekts

Eine Migration von SAP Commerce zu Intershop Commerce Management bringt zahlreiche Vorteile mit sich, darunter eine moderne Technologiearchitektur, mehr Flexibilität und verbesserte Skalierbarkeit. Nicht zuletzt, ist sie auch eine kostengünstigere Alternative zu bestehenden SAP Commerce Systemen. In unserem Whitepaper zum Thema erfahren Sie wesentliche Schritte und Überlegungen, die Sie vor und während einer solchen Migration zu Intershop Commerce Management berücksichtigen sollten.


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Whitepaper Fast SeCI Cover

Whitepaper: Fast SeCI for Intershop Commerce Management

Innerhalb eines Quartals zu einem vollumfänglichen Online Shop dank Fast Smart eCommerce Implementation for Intershop Commerce Management: Fast SeCI for ICM zielt darauf ab, die Unsicherheit bei Entscheidern, die vor der Einführung eines neuen eCommerce-Systems oft herrscht, zu reduzieren und bietet Ihnen ein vordefiniertes Produkt- und Projektpaket an. Das von Smart Commerce entwickelte Starter-Paket ermöglicht es Kunden, innerhalb eines Quartals mit einem vollumfänglichen Online-Shop live zu gehen.



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Whitepaper Entwicklerregeln intershop 7

Whitepaper: Smart Migration Enwicklerregeln für intershop 7

Updates bieten viele Vorteile, u.a. Bugfixes, neue Features und Optimierungen, somit ist es im Interesse des Herstellers und des Kunden, dass möglichst aktuelle Softwareversionen eingesetzt werden. In diesem Whitepaper stellen wir Richtlinien vor, um bei Eigenentwicklungen, die auf der Hauptversion Intershop 7 basieren, eine möglichst effiziente Updateability zu gewährleisten. Erfahren Sie mehr in unserem Whitepaper!

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Solutions for branches

The right set-up for every industry. Trust in our expertise and start your eCommerce success with us.

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Our services at a glance

Digital strategy and eCommerce consulting

Discover our unique consulting approach for your eCommerce success.

Development of eCommerce solutions

We develop & implement customised eCommerce systems for you with leading technology partners.

Managed Cloud Services

Modern public cloud solutions with maximum automation for the operation of efficient eCommerce systems.

Our projects at a glance

Get an overview of our projects in the areas of digital strategy and eCommerce consulting, development of eCommerce solutions and managed cloud services as well as digital marketing.

To our projects


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