From experience, we create success.

We build the foundation for your future success. Based on secure eCommerce architectures, we provide the B2B construction industry with eCommerce solutions that guarantee success. We create real competitive advantages for you by constructing an ideal online environment for you and your customers. We analyse your potential, define clear goals and increase sales. In our consulting and operation of eCommerce solutions, we focus on transparency and close cooperation with our customers. A long-term partnership characterised by trust is important to us. With this in mind, industry giants such as fischer, FÖRCH and SEEFELDER trust us with their holistic eCommerce strategy online shop, customer portal and omnichannel solutions. From the web app to the marketplace, we have the technical expertise and the necessary industry know-how to make you successful. 

around 25%

of tradespeople buy products several times a week (these are predominantly planned orders)

Younger age group > older age group

Younger age groups have a higher brand loyalty and use pure online retailers more often for cost-intensive orders

1st place

The most popular procurement channel in the building trade is the traditional specialist and wholesale trade

Digitalisation in the construction industry

Traditionally, the sales force is the central point of contact with customers in the construction industry. This is because customers appreciate personal contact and professional advice, either by telephone or directly on site. However, changing market conditions and an increased digital affinity of customers are forcing construction companies to react to the comprehensive needs of their customers. Direct sales should not be replaced, but supplemented by digital sales channels. The company DNA remains unchanged, but strategically essential steps in digitalisation help to lift your company to the next level.

Let's get started

We design services and features for:

  • Automation
  • Product procurement via various digital interfaces
  • 24/7 mobile access 
  • 360-degree view of the customer  
  • individual product configurators
  • Innovative shop features such as: internal approval processes for rights and role definitions, customer-specific prices, data interfaces for real-time updates in company accounts  
  • Digital Marketing 
  • Seamless customer journey including all relevant touchpoints

Let's get started

Our customers shine thanks to:

  • Headless eCommerce systems
  • D2C customer portals
  • Omnichannel strategies
  • Content marketing strategies
  • Innovative Customer Experience

Let's get started

Successstory FÖRCH eCommerce

Success Story: Die Umsetzung einer Omnichannel eCommerce Strategie bei Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG

FÖRCH ist einer der führenden deutschen Anbieter von Produkten für Handwerk und Industrie. Mit einer profunden eCommerce-Strategie hat FÖRCH gemeinsam mit Smart Commerce einen modernen Onlineshop und eine zukunftssichere eCommerce Architektur für das international agierende Geschäft aufgebaut. Erfahren Sie mehr über das Projekt und die fortlaufende Zusammenarbeit in unserer Success Story!


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Success Story Cover Seefelder Kundenportal

Success Story: Unified Commerce im B2B – Die erfolgreiche Umsetzung der SEEFELDER Plattform.

Das rasante Unternehmenswachstum in den letzten Jahren machte eine eCommerce-Strategie zum entscheidenden Pfeiler für zukünftigen Geschäftserfolg von SEEFELDER. Um auch zukünftig den hohen Kundenerwartungen aber auch eigenen Ambitionen gerecht zu werden, war der nächste logische Schritt die Konzeption und Implementierung einer zukunftssicheren und skalierbaren Omnichannel-Plattform.  Erfahren Sie mehr über das Projekt und die fortlaufende Zusammenarbeit in unserer Success Story!


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Our projects at a glance

Get an overview of our projects in the areas of digital strategy and eCommerce consulting, development of eCommerce solutions and managed cloud services as well as digital marketing.

To our projects

Technology Solutions

The Smart Commerce mission is to enable long-term eCommerce success for our customers. We achieve this thanks to a team of excellent eCommerce experts and strong technology partners with suitable solutions for your requirements.

Read more!

Our services at a glance

Digital strategy and eCommerce consulting

Discover our unique consulting approach for your eCommerce success.

Development of eCommerce solutions

We develop & implement customised eCommerce systems for you with leading technology partners.

Managed Cloud Services

Modern public cloud solutions with maximum automation for the operation of efficient eCommerce systems.

We are happy to assist you!

One of our eCommerce experts will be happy to assist you with your topic. Feel free to call us directly, send us an email, or use our contact form. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Phone Number:
+49 341 99 15 36 00


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