Why do we need AI in eCommerce?

Examples of eCommerce processes that can be optimized with AI:

  • Automated reordering
  • Product consultation via live chat or chatbot → keyword: product expert chat
  • Sentiment analysis for feedback and service tickets, classification of support tickets
  • Automated email management in digital business processes ("Marketing Cloud")
  • Product data enrichment with automatically generated metadata
  • Search and navigation optimization
  • Product identification through customer-uploaded product photos
  • Risk assessment / fraud detection
  • Sales forecasting ("Predictive Analytics")
KI Studie ECC Club 2023

Studie: Hello World – Künstliche Intelligenz in Marketing & Vertrieb

Künstliche Intelligenz hat das Potenzial, die (Arbeits-)Welt zu verändern. Nach und nach zeigt sich, wie Unternehmen Künstliche Intelligenz einsetzen, wo Vorbehalte herrschen und Effizienzen geschaffen werden können. Die zweite ECC CLUB Studie 2023 hat Beschäftigte im Marketing und Vertrieb um ihre Meinung und Erfahrung im Umgang mit KI gebeten. Getoppt mit Praxiseindrücken der ECC CLUB Platin-Mitglieder ergibt sich eine aufschlussreiche Studie zum Status Quo und einem vorsichtigen Blick in die Zukunft.

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5 Steps to Your Own AI Solution

AI can fundamentally be used throughout the entire customer journey. But which applications are truly meaningful, and which provide real value for you and your customers?
As a full-service eCommerce provider, we help you identify, implement, and effectively utilize AI solutions in five steps. Together, we work to establish long-term competitive advantages for your business. Here's our approach:

  1. Customer Journey Mapping: Before implementing AI, we recommend mapping the customer journey to identify key touchpoints, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement where AI solutions can assist. A visual representation of the customer journey makes it clear where the use of AI will be most effective.

  2. Data Assessment: Clean and accurate data is the foundation for AI-driven insights. The first step is to evaluate your available data sources and their quality. We help you identify and address gaps in data collection.

  3. Identifying Use Cases: We analyze which use cases promise the greatest value from AI, given all available information—such as personalized recommendations, dynamic content optimization, or automated customer service. Together with you, we then prioritize these use cases.

4. Clear Goal Setting: We define the objectives to be achieved through the use of AI within the customer journey—whether it's improved customer retention, increased revenue, higher conversion rates, or enhanced customer satisfaction. Ideally, these goals are tied to specific metrics (target revenue, percentage increases, etc.).

5. Selecting Suitable AI Solutions: For the previously defined use cases, we identify the most suitable AI tools for you. Whether it's machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, or predictive analytics, the selected tools should meet the specific requirements to achieve the defined objectives. This is where the expertise and experience of our consultants and development team play a key role.

Our AI based solutions

[Translate to Englisch:] eCommerce Consultant in Beratungsgespräch

Consulting and Strategy

We support you in selecting, implementing, and training your chosen AI solutions.

  • Customized AI Roadmaps
  • Future-proof Strategy Development
  • Optimization of Decision-Making Processes
  • Technology Consulting for AI


Get in touch

KI Recommender-Engines

Discover how our expert teams leverage years of experience and best-practice know-how to develop tailored solutions. Together with our technology partners—including SAP Commerce Cloud, Spryker, Intershop, and Sitecore Commerce—and specialized providers for address verification, payment processing, and fulfillment, we craft individualized eCommerce strategies and bring them to life with innovative ideas. You have full transparency into our work at all times and can count on excellent results.


[Translate to Englisch:] Smart Commerce Merch
KI Recommender Systeme Whitepaper Cover

Whitepaper: KI Recommender-Systeme – Eine Übersicht, Anleitung und Gegenüberstellung

Künstliche Intelligenz revolutioniert die Personalisierung im eCommerce. KI-basierte Recommender-Systeme sind der Schlüssel zu maßgeschneiderten Produktempfehlungen, die nicht nur die Zufriedenheit Ihrer Kunden steigern, sondern auch die Conversion-Rate signifikant erhöhen. Unser Whitepaper bietet Ihnen eine umfassende Anleitung, wie Sie die richtige Lösung auswählen und erfolgreich integrieren. Entdecken Sie Anwendungsfälle, bewährte KI-Systeme und Optimierungsstrategien, um das volle Potenzial Ihrer Plattform auszuschöpfen und sich anhaltende Wettbewerbsvorteile zu sichern!


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Revolutionize Your Customer Experience
with AI Chatbots!

[Translate to Englisch:] Mitarbeiterin am PC Bildschirm

Digital Consulting

1. Optimized Platform Selection
Choose an AI chatbot platform with eCommerce integrations, NLP, and ML capabilities, as well as top-tier data protection standards.

2. Efficient Training and Data Collection
Gather training data and fine-tune the AI model to deliver accurate responses.

3. Seamless Integration
Integrate the chatbot with your eCommerce platform and provide omnichannel support for a consistent customer experience.

4. Smooth Implementation
Begin with a pilot test and then roll out the chatbot for all users.

Technology solutions

5. Continuous Optimization
Monitor interactions, iteratively improve the AI model, and personalize recommendations based on feedback and data.

6. Superior User Experience
Design an engaging UX that allows customers easy navigation and access to information.

Discover how an AI chatbot can drive your business forward!


Get in touch

Business Intelligence (BI)

Business Intelligence (BI) is essential for companies to unlock the full potential of digital channels. BI consolidates and analyzes data from eCommerce, social media, and other digital sources to deliver actionable insights. Real-time analytics enable data-driven decisions, enhance the customer journey, boost efficiency, and reduce costs. Companies that embrace BI secure long-term competitive advantages and drive sustainable digital growth.


Mehr dazu

[Translate to Englisch:] eCommerce Consulting Team am Konferenztisch

Our projects at a glance

Get an overview of our projects in the areas of digital strategy and eCommerce consulting, development of eCommerce solutions and managed cloud services as well as digital marketing.

To our projects

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Asking questions costs nothing! Can we assist you with a problem? Or are you interested in collaboration? Or do you have any remaining questions? Please don't hesitate to reach out to us! We are here to help!

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+49 711 18 42 01 00


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